new release!


Freedom from Religion to a Relationship with Jesus

Order your copy now and it will be personally signed and prayed over by Michelle!

Strength In My Storm!

Strength in my storm shares the story of author Michelle Perzan’s journey through the storm of breast cancer as she found strength in her faith by leaning on God as she weathered each gale. 

Invite Michelle!

When speaking, Michelle will share life experiences, how she overcame strongholds and “valleys” by trusting in God and His word. Let her know how she might best serve you!

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Need Prayer?

Join my team and I every Wednesday for our Power Prayer Call.


Elisha Sampson

Marketplace Ministry

“There is the true heart of the Father, and the fruit shows at Perzan Ministries.”

Shaina Perez

Salt and Light Music Ministries – V. President & Adminstrator

“Knows the truth, knows scripture, and walks you through the Word of God.”

Tawna and Abram Farciert

Undone Wrshp – Founders

“This ministry has shown us a great example of true servanthood, and being the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Kaleigh Cortez

Dayspring Church – Worship Pastor

“Michelle is an incredible communicator, and unapologetically shares the Word of God.”

Are you in the midst of a storm? Are you looking for strength?

No matter what kind of storm you find yourself in, whether it’s health, relationship, job or family, know that there is HOPE on the other side. When I was battling cancer I found that my true hope, my strength, my joy and healing came from the Lord and you can walk in that same FREEDOM!

Whether you need prayer, encouragement or maybe you need to know who the Lord is – wherever you are at in your life, today is YOUR day for change. Join us on our prayer call Monday and Wednesday and then get a copy of my new book about to be launched called: “8 Steps to Strength & Healing When Facing A Cancer Diagnosis.” This book can help guide you through your storm, and you can read it alone or as a bible study or with a group of friends so that you can empower each other. My life changed miraculously when I completely trusted in God and gave Him all of my fears, burdens and worries and I want that for you

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

It’s time for you to walk out your purpose and to become the strong person you were created to be!

Tax Free Retirement Accounts

Life & Retirement Income Agent NPN# 18499557

Need Prayer?

Join my team and I every Wednesday for our Power Prayer Call.

Newest Release!

Hearing the words, “You have cancer,” can be life changing, however it does not have to define you. When Author Michelle Perzan heard this, she decided to partner with God for her healing. She knew there would be challenges physically, mentally and spiritually, so she dug deep into her faith and God’s Word to strengthen her.

Introduction - Is Your "But" in the Way?

“But” is a word we say so many times as an excuse, or out of
ignorance, thinking there is no way something can happen.
Whether we are looking for a promotion, a home, to start
a family or to cure an illness or disease………..

Chapter 1 - Scared? Surrender to God

When you first find yourself in a storm, it’s common to
be scared wondering what all is coming with it. We all get
scared and are afraid at various time. This is when we truly
need to discern where thoughts are coming from and if
they are truth. It is the perfect time…..

Chapter 2 - Tantrum to Trust

When you are in the middle of a storm, sometimes you
need to just let it out, have a tantrum and cry. Go ahead,
DO IT! It may be just the thing you need. Get to where
your faith in God gets you through each day. When I hear
the word “tantrum,” I think of what my boys did when they
were younger……….

Chapter 3 - Reach Out

When you are in a storm, it is important to reach out and
share it with your inner circle so they can pray for you, lift
you up and encourage you. When you hide it from those
closest to you, they don’t know how to help or what to
do. Isolation during a storm is not usually the best idea.
Surrounding yourself with prayer warriors……..

About Me

I am a wife, mother and author who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. My mission is to encourage, speak, and restore hope to those affected by cancer.

My passion is to see people saved, freed from strongholds, fully restored and healed.

I am cancer free and all glory and honour belongs to God!

I would love to partner with you!

My hearts desire is that my writings will pour into you, and equip you in your journey, so that you can find strength in God's word and His truth to face whatever storm you may be facing right now.

You are not alone, know that God is with you, He is the GREAT PROVIDER, and a loving Father, you only need to call on His name.

If you need prayer, join us Wednesdays (Click Here for details) or send me a message through the website with your prayer request and I will be happy to pray over you, for you and stand with you for breakthrough!

Matthew 18:20 (TPT) - "For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them!"



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